

哎呦其实我也不知道写什么,空着又好像不太好 另:有会VOCALOID的大佬请看看我(哭)请传授一些相关知识,找我摸鱼扯皮也可以(哭)

Good resurrection

Remembering the Stupid Mistake that Blew Up My Computer#

The cause of the incident was a piece of code, a simple script for automatic downloading and naming. My teacher asked me to research it, so I went ahead and did that. I opened PyCharm and planned to install a third-party library (because I'm not very familiar with it, I usually use the terminal and pip). Just as I was about to use pip, oh no, the terminal wouldn't accept any input. Okay, what do you do when you encounter a problem? You ask Baidu, of course. So, I skillfully opened Baidu and found a familiar result on CSDN. I followed the instructions there. CSDN said that the reason the terminal couldn't accept input was because the username folder in the root directory of the C drive was in Chinese characters. So, I followed the steps and changed my own username; the specific steps were roughly as follows: first, create an administrator user, then log in to the administrator account, change the name of the user folder in the root directory of the C drive, and finally log back in with the original account.

Feeling confident that everything was fine and ready to log back in with my original account, I found that I couldn't log back in... It was dead... I panicked. I tried many methods, but nothing worked, so I gave up. It only got worse. At that time, I had no idea what to do, and my various attempts at troubleshooting only made my computer worse. In the end, I even got desperate and formatted my computer. Fortunately, before formatting, I backed up some of my data, including the mnemonic phrase for my little fox. That's why I can still write this article here. That's about it. Just remembering my own stupid experience.

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